Date Visited: July 9, 2016

Wikipedia page

DSCN9838This was not our first visit to Tunbridge. On two occasions we have visited the famous Tunbridge World’s Fair usually held in September. In the old days the fair had a reputation for some pretty wild behavior. But now it’s a fine an example of an agricultural fair complete with sheep dog trials, tractor pulls, horse pulls, and a midway of rides and carnival food.

But today the fairgrounds were abandoned and we got to drive around and see the sights. Like Chelsea, also located on Route 110, there is much evidence of Vermont history everywhere, especially as it related to farming life. Tunbridge has always been chided for calling it’s fair a “world’s” fair but I got the impression that Tunbridge as a whole may be a bit eccentric; a place where people have a pretty good time living and working there. We look forward to visiting again when the Fair comes around.


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