have learned a valuable lesson about using Google Driving and Google
Maps to seek out towns in our quest. You can’t just specify the
town, you need to specify a particular location or address in the
town. Otherwise you find yourself in the middle of dirt road with
your phone saying you’ve arrived and you need to walk the rest of
the way. I’ll be repeating this thought in other posts.
one day we’ll go back and give Athens it’s proper due but we can
certainly say we’ve been there and have the images to prove it
Located in the heart of the Mad River Valley, Waitsfield was our principal destination on this fine late summer day. We managed visits to Hancock, Warren, Granville and Rochester along the way. Upon arrival we decided to get some lunch at the Mad Taco. One critic had complained that the Mad Taco was loud. Well, we found it so but in a really good way. The place was packed when we got there with groups of young people and cyclists. But we got waited on in a timely fashion, and enjoyed a magnificent meal. We highly recommend this place. The kitchen is the source of the volume with one particular worker being the loudspeaker announcing whose lunch was ready. But he also provided a wonderful energy to the place and kept spirits up in the kitchen.
Next we tried to find Fayston but not on this day. However our fruitless pursuit of what we assume is a fine town took us on an endless upward journey which revealed spectacular views of the Mad River Valley and Ski Area. We eventually arrived in a small clearing at the top of the hill which Google Maps announced was Fayston and that we should walk the rest of the way. We took it all in good humor.
Returning to Waitsfield we stopped at the Canteen Creemee and indulged in an unusual take on the creemee recipe which was refreshing and delicious.